Shafaq News / The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), on Friday, ended ISIS presence in most areas of the North Jalawla Basin, northeast of Diyala Governorate.

A PMF source told Shafaq News Agency that, “The security forces and PMF ended the presence of ISIS in 80% of the areas of the North Jalawla basin and destroyed 12 ISIS hostiles containing weapons and logistical equipment.

The source added that PMF also thwarted attempts and operations to target residential areas in North Jalawla and the outskirts of Khanaqin.

"Since the beginning of the security operations, the areas north of Jalawla have not reported any terrorist attacks or incidents.” He said.

Jalawla, 70 km northeast of Baqubah, a town of about 80,000 Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen just south of Diyala’s border with Iraq’s Kurdistan, has long experience with defeating ISIS who fled from the liberated areas and governorates to the orchards and the agricultural fields.