Shafaq News / Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi Authority disclosed details of the US bombing of Al Bukamal, warning of "dangerous" developments.

Three days ago, the Pentagon announced that F-15 fighters had launched several raids on Iranian-backed militias in Al Bukamal, eastern Syria, which it said came in response to the recent attacks against US personnel in Iraq.

The strike comes after a series of recent rocket attacks on US targets in Iraq, the most recent of which were in Erbil, Balad, and the Green Zone in Baghdad

The Authority stated in a statement, "a few days ago, our forces were subjected to an attack by the American forces, which resulted in the death of one of their fighters", adding that al-Hashd al-Shaabi Authority waited until all the details of the attack were disclosed, and confirms that its fighters were not present in the Syrian territory, which contradicts the US version of the story.

"It became clear later that our heroes were within the borderline between the two countries to protect Iraqi territory from terrorism," stressing, "al-Hashd forces were within the Iraqi defense line."

The commission warned, "this attack predicts dangerous future developments", calling on the concerned authorities, "do their duty towards al-Hashd members who are sacrificing themselves to maintain Iraq's security."