Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, the Iraqi Security Media Cell reported that Prime Minister Muhammad S. Al-Sudani directed to send a security committee to investigate the events of the Dhi Qar governorate.

"The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (PM Al-Sudani) directed sending a high-security committee to Dhi Qar Governorate to investigate the last incident." The cell said in a statement.

Today, at least three demonstrators were killed and 20 injured in clashes between demonstrators and the Iraqi army in Nasiriyah, Dhi Qar's capital city.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that a group of demonstrators organized a vigil to protest the government's failure to allocate land plots to the victims of the October 2019 demonstrations, the lack of jobs, and the worse living conditions.

The event unfolded into confrontations with the law enforcement authorities, leading to injuries and deaths among the demonstrators.