Shafaq News/ Three Iraqi soldiers and one civilian were reportedly killed in a bomb attack that targeted their vehicle in al-Rutba district, western al-Anbar, on Wednesday morning.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that the soldiers were heading home on their leave when an explosive device detonated their vehicle in al-Sakkar area, killing them immediately.

A civilian died in the attack, according to the source, and several others were injured.

The attack comes less than 24 hours from a similar attack against a force from the Iraqi army in Rawa district, al-Anbar. The force was in charge of the protecting a group of Kawaiti hunters when an explosive device blasted their vehicle, killing and injuring scores of troops on duty.

Iraq declared victory against ISIS in the country in December 2017, while ISIS lost its last territory across the border in Syria, where many Iraqi ISIS fighters fled after being pushed out of the country, in early 2019.

The last two cities to be retaken by Iraqi security forces from ISIS were Qaim and Rawa in Iraq's western al-Anbar region along the border with Syria.