Shafaq News / Al-Mu'tasim sub-district in Saladin tightened security measures following ISIS attacks in the past 48 hours.

The director of the district, Alaa Abdel-Rahman Al-Rayhan, told Shafaq News agency, "The organization's operatives launched two night attacks targeting a security officer and a farmer in the past 48 hours. These are the first incidents in more than six years."

Al-Rayhan said that the district tightened measures, redeployed detachments, and established checkpoints to prevent ISIS terrorists from infiltrating into the district and launching night attacks.

He warned of "plans supported by political agendas to destabilize the situation for electoral goals by unidentified parties, calling for fortifying the security situation in administrative units and keeping citizens security away from electoral and political conflicts."

The Abbasi district of Samarra, 22 km southeast to the city, witnessed three security incidents during the past 48 hours after ISIS terrorists executed a Federal Police officer and a farmer.