Shafaq News/ Former MP Mithal al-Alusi, who has close ties to the US administration, said today, Tuesday, that the United States of America shall "respond" to the militias involved in the Erbil attack last night.

Al-Alusi said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "The new US administration faces a big test today. It is responsible before its troops, the American nation, and its vows to combat terrorism and not yielding to blackmail. American blood has been spilled. For those reasons, a field American response against the Tehran-loyal militias is inevitable."

"The American response may be against leaders of the militias loyal to Tehran, who reside in the Green Zone. Such incident cannot go unnoticed, with an American soldier and civilian contractors injured."

Wayne Marotto, official military Spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) in the Global Coalition, tweeted few hours after the Erbil attack, "Initial reports that Indirect Fire landed on Coalition Forces in Erbil tonight. There was one civilian contractor killed, five civilian contractors injured, and 1 US service member injured."

He added later, "JTF-OIR confirms approx. 14 107 mm rockets launched with three impacting within EAB, Feb 15 at 2130 hours (Iraqi time). One civilian contractor was killed (Not US), and 9 injured ( 8 CIV contractors/ 1 US MIL) - 4 US/ 1 US MIL concussion protocol."