Shafaq News/ Public hospitals in Dhi Qar have been struck by a mass resignation of their directors, and the Governorate's Health Directorate is struggling to find substitutes for they fear the repercussions of unwanted situations similar to the Imam Hussein Hospital tragedy in Nasiriyah.

The head of Dhi Qar's Health Directorate, Saadi al-Majed, said on Saturday, "the issuance of arrest warrants against physicians in the case of the Naqaa Medical Center before the conclusion of the investigation, prompted the physician to avoid the position of the director."

"The directors of five major hospitals in the governorate center and the districts also resigned," he added.

Dhi Qar's Health Directorate proposed replacing the position of the director in a hospital with a joint committee of two members: the first takes care of technical or medical issues, and the other is assigned with logistics.

"The system is applicated in all the hospitals in the world currently," he continued, "the hospital director was made for the partisan quota," reiterating that the directorate has worked to counter the partisan hegemony and devoted itself to serve the citizens. 

"Currently, the technical and medical file of the five hospitals of the governorate is run by subordinates with another person running the administrative aspect. We are trying to convince some physicians to take over the technical positions. The administrative aspect will be run by others."

Scores perished yesterday in a fire that erupted in a COVID-19 hospital in Nasiriyah, the capital city of the southern governorate of Dhi Qar. 

In April, a similar incident took place in the Ebn Khatib hospital, a specialized center for COVID-19 in Baghdad, in dozens passed away.