Shafaq News / A member of the Economic Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, Mazen el-Feyli warned on Monday of the emergence of a new feudal system in the country as a result of two items in the 2021 budget bill.

Al-Feyli told Shafaq News Agency, "The articles 41 and 42 in the budget bill, related to selling agricultural lands, are dangerous to Iraqi society," stressing, "these two articles may be exploited by the financial, political, and influential decision-makers to purchase them."

"There are several question marks around these two articles. The most prominent of which is the absence of a legal guarantor when purchasing these lands for agricultural use. Moreover, these areas (agricultural lands) are inhabited by multiple social components. This may result in changing the demographic change."

"Iraq does not need these two articles at all in light of the dominance of corruption over the state institutions, as there is no real guarant33 to sell these lands at their actual prices. They may be sold at lower prices in the market," stressing, "observers say in the future due to these major disputes may erupt over the two articles. "

The member of the Economic Committee warned of "the emergence of a new feudal system after more than half a century of its disappearance from Iraq," calling on the competent authorities to "cancel the two articles and not vote on them at present, and leave them for political discussions at a later time."