Shafaq News/ MP Furat Al-Tamimi warned on Tuesday of repeating 2018's scenario in Diyala, calling for securing the ballot centers and promoting a democratic atmosphere ahead of the elections.

Al-Tamimi told Shafaq News Agency, "the scenario of the 2018 elections still casts fear in many electoral districts, particularly al-Miqdadiya and Baladruz districts. There are concerns that voters might be forced to vote for influential parties at gunpoint."

Al-Tamimi called on the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Supreme Security Committee for Elections to "secure the polling centers and prevent armed persons from entering the centers."

The lawmaker warned the political parties of attempting "to steal the will of the people for partisan and material goals and interests.”

Al-Tamimi said that the success of the elections in Diyala is contingent on "removing political money, hindering the candidates from using state services as campaigning tools, and raising public, media, and religious awareness to halt replicating the last elections' scenario."