Shafaq News/ A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed on Thursday the hurdles of the Marathon journey towards the quest of the Budget.

Committee members, MP Jamal Kocher, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "the committee reduced the expenditures from 164 trillion dinars to 129 trillion dinars and cut the fiscal deficit from 71 to 28 trillion dinars."

"The committee held 45 sessions and 55 meetings with ministers, governors, and officials to discuss the investment and operational expenditures in the budget."

"The committee amended most of the budget provisions. The budget that the Parliament voted upon is different from the budget the government submitted."

"The price of the oil barrel in the budget voted upon is 45$ instead of 42$ with a fixed dollar exchange rate, as stipulated by the government's budget."

"Political disputes, electoral score-settling, and unrealistic demands halted the approval of the budget."

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Parliament approved the budget bill after three months of ebbs and flows.

The share of the Kurdistan Region in the Federal Budget was settled at 12.67%, nearly 106 trillion dinars.