Shafaq News / Salem Al-Issaoui, a deputy from al-Siyada Alliance, called upon President Abdullatif Rashid on Sunday to cease the issuance of death sentences until the parliament approves the general amnesty law.

Addressing a press conference attended by several parliament members, Al-Issaoui emphasized, "We urge the President to suspend the execution of death penalties until the enactment of the general amnesty law," stressing the necessity to "avoid disrupting the political scene's recent stability towards the approval of this law."

He added, "the political stability witnessed in the political process has framed agreements among the blocs to implement the government's program."

Al-Issaoui continued: "We were surprised by the issuance of presidential decrees for mass executions within a short period, which is a serious indicator of the lack of sincerity in approving the amnesty law and granting justice to the innocent victims in prisons."

On July 18, 2023, the Iraqi Cabinet announced new measures regarding the amendment of the general amnesty law, intending to submit it to the parliament.

The general amnesty law stands as one of the key demands of the Sunni blocs, stipulated during negotiations to form the state administration, which included coordination between Shiite, Kurdish, and Sunni factions and resulted in the formation of the new government under the leadership of Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani.

According to Sunni component representatives, the government's program includes the enactment of the general amnesty law and conducting security audits in their provinces, as well as abolishing or suspending entities that had been a source of concern and crisis for them.

The general amnesty law remains a contentious issue between Sunni and Shiite blocs, with no agreement reached on the eligible categories as of yet.