Shafaq News/ Independent members of the Iraqi parliament will convene soon to ponder the initiatives of the Shiite rivals, the Sadrist movement and Coordination Framework, to overcome the current political impasse, MP Hasan al-Khafaji revealed on Wednesday.

In a statement to Shafaq News Agency, al-Khafaji said that a group of 35 lawmakers will hold a meeting next week to decide their "political compass" and come up with a unified position from the initiatives launched by the Sadrist movement and the Coordination Framework. 

"We, as independent lawmakers, opted to nominate an independent patriotic figure to run the country in accordance with the roadmap we adopt," he said, "the meeting will discuss the items of each of the initiatives, and we will seek consultants' opinions. The meeting outcomes will help us set our compass; whether we align with the Sadrist movement or the Coordination Framework."

Earlier today, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called on the independent lawmakers to form a coalition that forms the government apart from the status quo forces. 

Yesterday, the Shiite forces Coordination Framework proposed a new view of the next government that encompasses a set of guarantees it believes it is imperative for proceeding with any agreement.