Shafaq News/ A force from the military intelligence seized large quantities of explosives and ammunition in al-Anbar and Nineveh governorates.

The Security Media Cell said in a statement that the Military Intelligence Departments in the Ministry of Defense, the Military Intelligence divisions in the Al-Jazeera and Western Nineveh Operations Commands, received intelligence information regarding large quantities of explosives in Rawa district in al-Anbar, Tal Afar district, and Tal Abtah district, west of Nineveh.

According to the statement, the force seized more than a thousand tools used in explosives, 175 BKC kits, 11 rocket launchers, 10 Juhannam rockets, five mortar shells, 10 kilograms of C4, and six improvised explosive devices.

The Explosive Ordnance Disposal squads detonated the seized material under the direct supervision of their commands.