Shafaq News/ A leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah said on Monday that the mass demonstrations scheduled for tomorrow aim to postpone the elections, hinting at a subtle involvement of Iraq's PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi. 

The security official in the Iran-backed faction tweeted, "it became clear that what is required from the planned demonstrations is to postpone the elections to [ultimately] extend [the Mandate] of the treacherous al-Kadhimi's government." 

He added, "uncovering the killers and holding them accountable must be done within the legal frameworks, even tribal and legitimate ones. The innocent's blood must not be used to promote the parties of power and corruption."

Al-Askari added, "our brothers in al-Hashd al-Shaabi and the Iraqi resistance must protect the deceived youth by various means, and not let them [become] a doll in the hands of the enemies. They must [exert] pressure on the American and British presence in Iraq, abort the subversive projects of Al Saud family and the sons of Zayed."

A police source reported that the Iraqi security forces were deployed on Monday evening in the streets of the capital, Baghdad, hours before tomorrow's protests.

The source told Shafaq News agency no instructions had been issued to block the roads so far.

Iraqi authorities expect hundreds of demonstrators to participate in protests that will start tomorrow in Baghdad under the slogan "Who killed me?" To demand identifying the demonstrators and activists' killers.