Shafaq News / Abu Ali al-Askari, the security official of Kata'ib Hezbollah confirmed on Monday that military operations against the U.S forces in Iraq had stopped, asking the "mujahedeen" to always be ready of resuming operations.

Al-Askari tweeted today Monday, that Mujahedeen should be prepared and monitor the so-called "the enemy", and also focus on the "Zionist" delegations that visit the "enemy" in headquarters in Iraq.

He also added that the timetable that was given to the "enemy" meaning especially US. Forces, will be cancelled if any member of Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi or "the resistance" is targeted.

Several armed factions threaten to target US forces and interests in Iraq if they do not withdraw in compliance with the decision of the Iraqi parliament to end the military presence in the country.

 On January 5, the Iraqi parliament voted by majority to end the foreign military presence on the country's territory, following the assassination of the Iranian Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, accompanied by the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Authority, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, in an American air strike near Baghdad International Airport.