Shafaq News / a security source revealed Today, Tuesday, that the operations to get rid of ISIS are continuing in "Kanous" island, north of Saladin, which is the largest terrorist emirate of ISIS in the northwestern regions of Iraq.

The source told Shafaq News agency that forces from the Counter-Terrorism Service and the Al-Hashd crossed a floating bridge on Dijlah River to clear "Kanous" island from ISIS militants.

He added that the main goal of this operation is to find a "laptop" that contains all the information and documents related to ISIS, which is considered a "treasure" of security information.

The source added that armored vehicles backed by warplanes are advancing the Al-Hashd and security forces to facilitate penetrating ISIS fortifications, and the operations will continue until the mission is fully accomplished.

Kanous Island is located north of Shirqat district, north of Saladin, and it's is one of the largest ISIS strongholds in northwestern Iraq.

Several days ago, the security forces killed 12 ISIS members and destroyed several hideouts on the island.