Shafaq News/ Kurdistan's Minister of Finance, Awat Sheikh Jnab, will be heading a ministerial delegation to Baghdad to proceed with talks over the region's share of Iraq's 2023 federal budget, Kurdistan's Regional Government (KRG) representative in the Iraqi capital, Fares Issa, told Shafaq News Agency on Saturday.
"The ministerial delegation headed by Minister Sheikh Jnab will be in Baghdad next week," Issa told Shafaq News Agency, "the delegation will contemplate the Kurdistan region's share of the budget."
"According to the federal ministry of planning, the region's share is 13.9%. This percentage will be the benchmark," he said.
"The budget bill is pending preparation. Once complete, it will be referred to the Ministerial Economic Council. Afterward, the cabinet should vote it in before submitting it to the parliament," he concluded.