Shafaq News / Former governor of Saladin, Ammar Jabr, said on Sunday that he will expose many politicians and open corruption files, demanding international protection for him and his family.

Jabr said in a tweet, "I demand international protection for me and my family because what I am going to say will turn things upside down in Mesopotamia (Iraq)."

For his part, former MP Mashaan al-Jubouri said, "If governor Ammar Jabr fulfills his promise and reveals what he has, and if I take a similar decision, then I am sure that the Sadrist revolutionaries will head to other headquarters."

he added that the protestors, "will not leave before overthrowing prominent figures, which will lead to a huge change that will save Iraq from the grip of a tyrannical and corrupt group."

 On May 19, a parliamentary source revealed that Jabr was dismissed from his position by order of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.