Shafaq News/ On Thursday, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, held talks with his Italian counterpart, Georgia Meloni, and her accompanying delegation in Baghdad

The discussions focused on cooperation between Rome and Baghdad in various fields, including agriculture, health, and economy.

Al-Sudani praised the Italian role within the Global coalition mission in Iraq to combat ISIS and ex[ressed Iraq's desire to boost partnerships with Italy and all European Union countries.

Meloni called a "powerful" Iraq a "condition for prosperity and stability in the Middle East."

This official visit to Iraq is the beginning of unique relations between the two friendly peoples. The Italian PM said.

Earlier today, Giorgia Meloni was received in an official ceremony on her first visit to Iraq.

Meloni will hold talks with Iraqi officials, and later today, she will head to the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, to meet Kurdish officials.