Shafaq News / Hundreds of workers of various sectors demonstrated on Monday in Dhi Qar and Wasit governorates demanding job opportunities and implementation of Resolution 315.

The Resolution 315 of 2019, issued by the Iraqi Government, granted the daily-workers and contractors many privileges such as loans, guarantees, training courses and bonuses.

Demonstration’s coordinator in Dhi Qar, Bahaa Al-Husseini told Shafaq News Agency that “513 municipal employees will continue demonstrating until their demands are met.

On the other hand, dozens of agricultural engineers staged a sit-in in front of the Agricultural Directorate of Dhi Qar Governorate demanding job opportunities.

In turn, a local source in Wasit Governorate said, "Dozens of medical graduates blocked the governorate health department building calling the authorities to complete their employment procedures."

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the demonstrators warned to set up tents in front of Building, if their demands are not met within the next two days.