Shafaq News / The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, congratulated on Wednesday the new Emir of Kuwait, Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, after the latter sworn in as the country's Emir.

In a congratulatory telegram sent to Prince Nawwaf, Saleh said, "In the name of the Iraqi people and my name, I extend to you my warmest congratulations and sincere wishes on the occasion of your selection as Emir of the sisterly State of Kuwait, calling upon God, the Almighty, to guide your steps and guide you in leading the Kuwaiti people towards further progress and prosperity".

The Iraqi president affirmed, "The keenness of the people, president and government of Iraq to move forward in the deep fraternal relations between Iraq and Kuwait and strengthen them towards more cooperation in all fields, in a manner that serves the interests of the two brotherly peoples and countries, and consolidates the values ​​of cooperation, love, and peace in the region".

Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah took the constitutional oath in front of the Kuwaiti National Assembly (Parliament), succeeding the late Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

"We affirm our pride in our constitution and our democratic approach", Sheikh Nawwaf said during a session in support of the oath, pledging to, "work for the security, stability and prosperity of the State of Kuwait".