Shafaq News/ Iraqi lawmaker Mahma Khalil Ali Agha on Thursday denounced the visit of the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to Nineveh's al-Jad'ah camp as an affront to the feelings of the victims and families of areas affected by the atrocities of ISIS.

"Al-Jad'ah camp accommodates families of ISIS members who shed innocent blood, displaced oppressed families, and caused corruption in the areas they occupied," he said in a statement, "the camp serves as an alternative site for ISIS within Iraq, and the UN Secretary-General's visit constitutes an insult to the blood shed by the terrorist group and contradicts the Iraqi government's efforts to combat ISIS."

Agha said those families are "ticking time bombs" that might explode at any time, expressing opposition to "establishing alternative camps for ISIS inside al-Jad'ah or Syria's al-Hol camp."

"Instead of visiting al-Jad'ah camp, the UN Secretary-General should have visited the displaced people affected by ISIS and worked to rebuild their hometowns."

Agha called on the United Nations to refrain from pressuring Iraq to accommodate additional families of ISIS members on its soil.