Shafaq News/ Iraq's military intelligence on Sunday said it had arrested a suspected ISIS fighter in Nineveh, once a stronghold of the militant group.

The statement from the Directorate of Military Intelligence did not name the suspect but said he was wanted by the Iraqi judiciary under anti-terrorism legislation.

"Based on accurate intelligence information, intelligence detachments were able to apprehend a wanted individual affiliated with the ISIS terrorist organization during a well-coordinated operation in the al-Ayadiyah sub-district of Talafar district," the statement said.

The statement added that the suspect has been a "combatant element" involved in past attacks against Iraqi security forces. It confirmed he was transferred to the relevant authorities for further processing.

Nineveh, which includes the city of Mosul, was a key territory for ISIS during its self-declared caliphate from 2014 to 2017. While Iraqi forces largely dislodged the group from the area, ISIS sleeper cells continue to carry out sporadic attacks.