Shafaq News / The "Emtidad" movement, one of the prominent "October Revolution" political forces, revealed on Saturday the existence of what it described as covert movements towards holding early parliamentary elections in the upcoming period.

Deputy of the movement, Kazem Al-Fayadh, told Shafaq News Agency that "influential political forces are the ones creating justifications for conducting early parliamentary elections, then agreeing on this matter among themselves, and there are covert movements in this regard by some of those forces."

He added that "there is no real justification for moving towards early parliamentary elections, but influential political forces are already working to create those justifications. They will work to create some political events to provide a pretext for early elections. This is certainly for the benefit of a political and party agenda for specific parties within the authority."

The Coordination Framework, which brings together Shiite political forces, confirmed on April 2nd that the idea of holding early parliamentary elections is being proposed, revealing the goal of this direction.

Deputy of the Framework, Mukhtar Al-Mousawi, told Shafaq News Agency, "The idea of holding early parliamentary elections is proposed by some parties within the Coordination Framework, but there is difficulty in achieving it, as it requires political consensus, as well as early preparations by the commission to ensure the success of this electoral process, and the commission is not ready for this task."

Al-Mousawi explained that "the purpose of proposing the idea of early elections by some parties within the Coordination Framework is to open the door for the return of the Sadrists to the political scene, especially since there are undisclosed communications between Sadrists leaders and leaders within the Framework, and information confirms the Sadrist's desire to participate in the upcoming elections, and recent movements by Muqtada al-Sadr confirm this, especially after the return of Sadrist bloc meetings and communication with the popular bases."