Shafaq News / during the military operation on Kanous Island near the city of Mosul, The Iraqi forces destroyed  an ISIS hideout containing highly explosive materials. A security source informed Shafaq News Agency.

The source said "the security force blew up the explosive materials in the operation that will continue for at least four more days."

"Daesh members have showed no resistance since yesterday, many of them have fled the island to unknown places before it is completely surrounded." He added.

In the same context, the Popular Mobilization Forces stated that they’ll establish a mechanism to control the island without revealing any other details.

It’s noteworthy a floating walkway has been erected to cross to the island and to drive Islamic State from the northern city of Mosul, a high-stakes battle to retake the militants’ last major stronghold in the country.

Daesh has been informally controlling much of Nineveh governorate and has attacked cities and towns in western and northern Iraq, killing scores of people.

On June 10, 2014, Daesh launches an offensive against Iraqi forces south of Mosul, and took control of it.

On July 2017, Iraq declared victory over Islamic State in Mosul, three years after the militants seized the city and made it the stronghold of a “caliphate” they said would take over the world.

However, the terrorist organization still has sites on the outskirts of the governorate including Kanous Island.

this island is the last stronghold of ISIS in southern Mosul, and the most violent operations happened there were several months ago, where the US-led coalition targeted the terrorists with tens of tons of bombs, which resulted in killing of one US soldier.