Shafaq News/ The "Islamic Resistance in Iraq," a coalition of armed Shiite factions, claimed responsibility for a drone attack on the "Al-Tanf" military base.

The Islamic resistance in Iraq is a broad term encompassing various parties and factions, mainly Kataib Hezbollah, Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Badr Organization, and Hezbollah al-Nujaba.

In addition to these groups, a number of smaller Shia military groups are involved in the Islamic resistance in Iraq, including Saraya Al-Khorasani, Saraya Al-Jihad, and Kateb Sayyid Al-Shohadaa.

In a statement released today, the group confirmed that it targeted the base with three drones, "all of which precisely hit their intended targets."

Earlier, a source within the Global Coalition reported that three drones attacked the Al-Tanf base on the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordanian border. The incident occurred within the 55-kilometre area surrounding the base.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the Coalition forces successfully intercepted and downed two drones, but the third managed to target the base.

No information on casualties resulting from the attack.

This follows a similar incident on Wednesday when the U.S. Central Command revealed that attacks were thwarted on Iraq's Ain al-Asad and Harir bases.

A statement released by the command revealed, "Our forces repelled two drone attacks in western Iraq, destroying one and resulting in minor injuries among coalition forces."

The statement highlighted the destruction of a third drone in the Kurdistan Region, preventing any casualties or damages.

"We are at a heightened state of readiness, closely monitoring the situation in Iraq and the region. We want to reiterate that U.S. forces will defend against any threat", the statement added.

Recent drone attacks on American bases, notably the Al-Tanf base on the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordanian border, have raised concerns among analysts, some of whom speculate a potential link to the escalating Palestinian-Israeli conflict. While periodic targeting of American bases has been observed, the absence of a clear, responsible party has added to the situation's complexity.

Several armed factions in Iraq, including Kataeb Hezbollah, have previously issued threats against American sites, indicating a broader regional unrest.