Shafaq News/ On Monday, Iraqi security forces escalated security protocols around the German embassy in the Al-Mansour district in Baghdad.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency that a joint task force comprised of the Federal Police and the Counter-Terrorism Service took swift action to seal off the street leading to the German embassy.

The source disclosed that riot forces deployed before the embassy building.

The move comes amid concerns about potential protests over an alleged incident involving a German citizen's intention to burn a copy of the Quran.

Tension recently escalated between Muslim countries and Europe, particularly with Sweden and Denmark, over desecrating the holy book.

Earlier today, two men set a copy of the Quran alight outside the Swedish parliament.

Salwan Momika and Salwan Najem stomped on the Muslim holy book and set its pages ablaze before slamming it shut. The protest was granted a permit by Swedish police, who said they only permit people to hold public gatherings and not for the activities conducted during the events.

In addition to the Quran desecration, Momika also burned a photo symbolizing the third Imam of the Shiites, Hussein bin Ali, along with an image of the head of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr.

The protest sparked widespread anger and prompted gatherings near the Swedish parliament by Iraqis and other concerned individuals, who vehemently condemned the actions and urged the Swedish authorities to take appropriate measures.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said a similar process was underway, noting his country was in "the most serious security situation since World War II."

Swedish and Danish envoys have been summoned to several Middle Eastern nations. Saudi Arabia and Iraq have called for a meeting on Monday of the Jeddah-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to address Quran desecrations in Sweden and Denmark.

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom said Monday that he had been in contact with several of his counterparts among the 57 member states of the organization ahead of the meeting and sent a letter to all members.

In a statement, Billstrom said that he had informed them about the process for granting permits for public gatherings in Sweden and that police made such decisions independently.

Billstrom added that he had also reiterated that "the Swedish Government has been very clear in its rejection of the Islamophobic acts carried out by individuals at demonstrations in Sweden."