Shafaq News / President Abdullatif Jamal Rashid and Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani discussed the overall situation in the country, addressing political, security, and economic matters on Sunday evening. They emphasized the necessity of unified efforts to solidify and maintain the achieved security and stability.

Al-Sudani briefed President Rashid on the results of his participation in the Davos Economic Forum in Switzerland, highlighting discussions with heads of participating delegations and international financial institutions to enhance Iraqi relations and strengthen mutual cooperation for mutual interests.

The meeting also delved into security developments and violations against Iraqi territories, constituting breaches of sovereignty, destabilization, and threats to citizens' safety. Both sides affirmed that the Iraqi government is authorized to enforce the law and undertake measures to protect Iraq's security and sovereignty.

They highlighted the importance of supporting the government in implementing its ministerial program, especially in providing services, improving citizens' living standards, advancing reform programs, and curbing corruption. These actions aim to create a favorable environment for investment and boost the private sector's role in contributing to the country's reconstruction.

The discussion also touched upon the necessity of addressing shared issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) per the constitution and laws. This includes resolving the matter of salaries for Kurdistan Region (KRI) employees to secure their rights and ensure their livelihoods.