Shafaq News / On Sunda, the President of the Republic of Iraq, Braham Salih met with the US National Security Council Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Brett McGurk alongside his delegation. The meeting took place at Baghdad Palace.

President Salih and McGurk discussed Iraqi-US ties and how best to advance these across all the sectors, where there could further develop political, economic, cultural and environmental cooperation through enhancing further dialogue on strategic issues of common interest.

Meeting's agenda included the discussion of putting an end to the combat role of the coalition forces in Iraq and strengthening the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces by providing military advice to the Iraqi troops.

Participants at the meeting highlighted the importance of combating terrorism and demising the remaining cells of the extremism group which is known as IS.

Recent developments related- the regional situation in addition to issues of common concern were discussed during the meeting.

The meeting placed emphasis on the need to defuse the crisis in the region, with a focus on supporting the path of dialogue to calm tension in the region and prevent the outbreak and spread of the conflicts there.

President Salih emphasized the important pivotal role of Iraq in the region as it is a factor of stability and it is economic, trade and developmental interdependence where regional security and stability could be achieved.

Source: The Iraqi Presidency website