Shafaq News/ The Iraqi President's office on Tuesday categorically refuted rumors circulating on social media and some news outlets, suggesting President Abdel Latif Jamal Rashid sustained injuries while disembarking from an airplane, labelling the news as "fabricated".

In a press release issued today, the Presidency asserted that these speculations were entirely baseless.

"The President is in good health and continues to carry out his duties as usual in the Presidential Palace."

The statement said that President Rashid has participated in numerous activities which have been reported and broadcasted across media platforms over the past few days, effectively debunking the" unfounded rumors circulating on some social media platforms and news outlets."

"The sources of such rumors are known, and their intentions exposed. These are irresponsible behaviors where ill-intentioned individuals aim to disturb the society and state institutions. This necessitates us to take legal action to deter them," it added.

The office urged the media to pursue accuracy and verify the authenticity of news before sharing them, stressing on adherence to standards of credibility and professionalism in publishing.

Earlier, local media outlets had reported an incident involving the President's fall on the steps of an aircraft at the Baghdad International Airport upon his return from the Sulaymaniyah province.