Shafaq News/ A majority of Arab young people oppose normalizing ties with Israel, a recent poll conducted by "Echos BCW" revealed.

The survey, published on Saturday, indicates a unanimous resistance from the youth in Iraq and Palestine, with 100% opposing the idea of diplomatic normalization with Israel. Libyan youth displayed almost similar sentiments, with 99% expressing strong opposition and a minuscule 1% showing slight dissent. In Lebanon, 98% of the surveyed youth were firmly against the notion, with 2% opposing it to some degree, whereas the same percentage of youth in Saudi Arabia reflected stark resistance, with a marginal portion slightly in favor.

The sentiment in Sudan is one of strong opposition, with 97% against and 3% somewhat opposed. In Jordan, 94% of the youth surveyed were against the normalization, while 6% moderately supported it. In Kuwait, the percentages stood at 86% in opposition, with a 14% partial endorsement.

Tunisian youth presented a divided opinion, with 85% opposing vehemently or to some degree, while 13% somewhat supported the move. In Yemen and Syria, a majority of 81% resisted, with 19% showing certain levels of support. In Algeria and Oman, 69% and 61% respectively voiced their strong opposition, while 31% of Algerian youth and a notable 39% of Omani youth showcased degrees of endorsement.

Moroccan youth seem to lean more towards normalization, with only 6% staunchly opposed, 44% slightly against, and a striking 50% in partial agreement. Similarly, in Egypt, 5% opposed strongly, 12% slightly against, and a dominant 73% supported the idea either mildly or firmly. The youth of the United Arab Emirates also portrayed strong inclination towards the move with only 4% entirely against, 11% moderately opposed, and 75% expressing varying degrees of support.