Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) condemned, on Friday, the shelling of the US Embassy in Baghdad and other diplomatic missions in the country, affirming its coordination with the security apparatus to investigate and identify those involved in this act.

Ahmed Al-Sahhaf, the MoFA spokesperson, stated, "The MoFA expresses its rejection and condemnation of the attacks carried out by unruly groups on the US Embassy in Baghdad. We reiterate our commitment to insuring diplomatic missions’ security."

He emphasized that "the security authorities have taken all necessary measures to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice, preventing any endangerment of diplomatic mission security."

Al-Sahhaf added, "the MoFA is closely working with responsible security authorities to identify those responsible for this assault. Such actions will not impede the diplomatic efforts highly valued by Iraq, essential for fostering relations between Baghdad and the world's nations, along with the mutual protection and care of bilateral interests."

Earlier today, a reliable security source reported an attack involving rockets on the vicinity of the Green Zone where the US Embassy is located in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency that explosions were heard near the US Embassy in Baghdad, triggering alarm sirens within its premises.

Later, the official spokesperson's office of the US Embassy in Baghdad confirmed an attack by rockets on the embassy compound that did not result in any human casualties. Simultaneously, it accused Iran-backed militias of executing the attack.

Meanwhile, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, directed all security leadership to apprehend the perpetrators responsible for the projectile attack on the US Embassy in Iraq and bring them to justice.

Al-Sudani stressed in his directives that targeting diplomatic missions is unjustifiable and unacceptable under any circumstance, regardless of the allegations or delusions behind these despicable acts.

He considered manipulating Iraq's stability, undermining internal security, tarnishing Iraq's political reputation, and targeting safe places protected by the force of law and international agreements as terrorist acts.