Shafaq News/ Bassem Khashan, an independent Member of Parliament, has made serious allegations against Iraqi Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halboosi, accusing him of violating the country's constitution, engaging in fraud and financial irregularities, and compromising the interests of the parliament.

In a post on his Facebook page, Khashan asserted that al-Halboosi is "unfit" to continue serving as the Speaker of the Parliament, deeming his prolonged tenure an insult to the people of Iraq.

Khashan took responsibility for all the claims in his post, provided he could present irrefutable evidence to support them.

During a recent hearing in the Federal Court, Khashan expressed his astonishment at the revelation that al-Halboosi had issued a parliamentary order to "correct" a previous order dated January 15, 2023. This correction pertained to al-Halboosi's acceptance of a resignation request attributed to Representative Laith Al-Dulaimi. The new order indicated that al-Halboosi considered Al-Dulaimi to have resigned since submitting the request on May 7, 2022.

Underlining the gravity of the situation, Khashan emphasized that the alleged offenses committed by al-Halboosi leave the parliament with only one viable recourse to restore its dignity. He proposed the impeachment of al-Halboosi and lifted his immunity for a trial. Khashan argued that all other avenues are convoluted or blocked, failing to uphold the dignity of the Iraqi people.