Shafaq News/ Iraqi judiciary clarified today the accusations against the leader in al-Hashd al-Shaabi, Qassem Musleh, twelve days after detaining him.

In a statement, the council said regarding the case of the assassination of activist Ihab al-Wazni, “Qassem Musleh was accused of killing the activist al-Wazan, but there was no evidence against him”, noting that investigations showed that Musleh was not in Iraq when al-Wazani was assassinated.

"Musleh denied committing or participating in this crime, and the court of investigation did not find any evidence to prove that he was directly or indirectly involved in the crime, whether by incitement or any other way, so it was decided to release him 12 days after detaining him.”

The statement added that Al-Wazni’s assassination is a terrorist crime whose perpetrator must be sentenced to death, and in the face of this severe punishment, there is not enough evidence to conduct the trial of the reformer and imposing this severe punishment in the absence of evidence.”

The Iraqi judiciary released the leader of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Qassem Musleh, on June 7, according to a reliable source. 

Iraqi special forces arrested Musleh on May 27, on charges of terrorism, which almost sparked a bloody conflict in the Green Zone in Baghdad.

Baghdad witnessed tension after Musleh’s arrest, as armed elements of al-Hashd stormed the Green Zone and its vicinity, and surrounded Some government headquarters, to push for Musleh's release.