Shafaq News / Abu Ali Al-Askari, the security official of the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, expressed commendation for the judiciary's recent decision to overturn the death sentence against the perpetrator of the murder of terrorism analyst Hisham Al-Hashimi. Simultaneously, he unveiled a distinct perspective concerning the ban on the Telegram application, a measure previously censured by the Hezbollah Brigades.

In a statement shared on his Telegram account, Al-Askari affirmed, "Once again, the Iraqi judiciary has proven itself to be a robustly professional entity, immune to external influences. The Iraqi people ought to express gratitude for its courageous stance in overturning verdicts across all the Criminal Court of Rusafa proceedings."

He went on to emphasize that this reversal "redresses the grievance of First Lieutenant Ahmed Al-Kinani, an offspring of the security apparatus within the Ministry of Interior. Al-Kinani was falsely accused of murdering Hisham Al-Hashimi by the extralegal 'Abu Raghif Committee,' established during the tenure of the (al-Kadhimi government)."

Al-Askari further urged media platforms and activists to approach the government's decision to block Telegram with prudence and rationality, cautioning against falling into the traps set by adversaries.

Reiterating the position of the Hezbollah Brigades, Al-Askari unequivocally affirmed that his organization will abstain from participating in the upcoming provincial council elections. He also noted that the Brigades would adopt a resolute stance towards those who intentionally attempt to entangle its name in these elections.

Earlier, the Iraqi judicial authority issued a decree to annul the death sentence passed against Ahmed Al-Kinani, the primary accused in the Hisham Al-Hashimi murder case.

Notably, the Hezbollah Brigades were among the earliest dissenting voices against the government's decision to block the Telegram application, alongside other political parties, figures, deputies, and politicians.