Shafaq News/ Iraq's federal government, chaired by Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani, approved the National Strategy for Education in Iraq (2022-2031) during its 20th regular session on Tuesday.

The decision, according to a press release by the cabinet, was based on recommendations from the Ministerial Council for Human Development (23011), marking a significant milestone in Iraq's ongoing efforts to enhance educational development.

During the session, the assembly approved boosting the capital of the Fund for Supporting Small Income-Generating Projects from 150,000,000,000 to 1,350,000,000,000 dinars in a bid to effectively "implement the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs' three-year plan within the government program, following the provisions outlined in Law No. (10) of 2012."

The cabinet also approved allocations to support of Iraq's energy sector, and aviation industry.

The statement said that the cabinet agreed to extend Iraq's supply of oil derivatives to Lebanon's power plants for a third year.

"The cabinet approved merger of Ibn Sina State Company with the General Company for Military Industries," the statement said.