Shafaq News/ In response to the recent incident of burning the Holy Quran in Sweden, the Iraqi Council of Ministers has directed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take immediate action, including convening an urgent conference of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

The Cabinet strongly condemned the act, describing it as a "heinous crime and a blatant assault on the beliefs of Muslims and a violation of their sanctities."

The Cabinet emphasized the importance of upholding principles of freedom, personal rights, and freedom of expression while maintaining respect for sacred matters without transgression or abuse.

It expressed solidarity with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani's letter to the United Nations Secretary-General, which called for adequate measures to prevent the recurrence of such acts.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been tasked with pursuing the issue with the United Nations and seeking international commitments to prevent future attacks on religious symbols.

Furthermore, the Council called for a formal follow-up on Baghdad's request to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for Iraq to host an emergency conference at the level of leaders or ministers. The conference aims to address the sensitive matter and unite global efforts in finding solutions to prevent acts that harm the religious sentiments of Muslims worldwide.

The burning of the Holy Quran outside Stockholm's central mosque on the first day of the Muslim Eid al-Adha holidays has sparked anger among Muslims and countries such as Turkey, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has emphasized the need for collective measures and the application of international law to prevent acts of religious hatred.

Pope Francis also strongly disapproved of the burning of the Quran, condemning such actions and highlighting the significance of fostering respect for differences among people.

Swedish police, who had initially granted permission for the protest, subsequently charged the individual responsible for the act with agitation against an ethnic or national group.