Shafaq News/ Iraq's deputy parliament speaker on Friday called on the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) to help prevent the recurrence of "aggressions" against his country.

Shakhwan Abdullah, who is heading the Iraqi delegation to a parliamentary hearing at the UN headquarters in New York, said Iraq has concerns about violations of its sovereignty by neighboring countries, including Iran that recently launched missile attack on the city of Erbil.

"The military attacks by the United States on our territory have also increased tensions and negatively affected stability in Iraq and the region," he said.

Abdullah stressed that international peace could not be strengthened without respecting international law and preventing violations of Iraq's borders.

He called on the UN and IPU to "exercise their responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security and stand by Iraq to prevent the recurrence of military aggressions."

"If these aggressions continue, they will destabilize the situation and create more space for crises and conflicts," he warned.

Abdullah also reiterated Iraq's rejection of being turned into an arena for regional and international conflicts.

He called for an end to the military operations against the Palestinian people in Gaza and for the urgent delivery of humanitarian aid to support the Palestinians in their quest for an independent state.