Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, the Iraqi Council of Ministers appointed new members of the Board of Trustees of the Iraqi Media Network (IMN.)

According to a statement by the Cabinet Media Office, the Council of Ministers voted to designate Awsam Majid Ghanem Al-Muhammadawi, Thaer Htaihet Ibrahim Al-Ghanimi, Hamad Mahmoud Muhammad Al-Dukhi, Talan Abdullah Abdul Rahman Rashid, and Sanaa Saeed Hadi Karumi as new members of the IMN's Board of Trustees.

On January 10, 2023, the Iraqi Council of Ministers voted to dismiss the trustees.

This February, the Iraqi Parliament voted not to be satisfied with the answers provided by Nabil Jassim, the head of the Iraqi Media Network (IMN), during his interrogation.

According to Shafaq News Agency correspondent, representatives found Jassim's responses to be unconvincing, leading to a vote of dissatisfaction.

Jassim was interrogated over accusations of mismanagement and misuse of position.

Independent MP Muhammad al-Ziyadi explained to Shafaq News that the parliamentarians found Jassim's answers to the eight questions by lawmaker Raed al-Maliki lacking; therefore, the Parliament will submit a request signed by 50 deputies to set a date for Jassim's dismissal from the presidency of the Iraqi Media Network.

Earlier, Al-Maliki, a member of the legal committee who is leading the questioning, told Shafaq News Agency that the "topics, questions, and accusations" against Jassim are "diverse and varied," including administrative and financial violations, misinformation, and lack of qualification for the position.

"There are no personal motives behind this questioning, and we are surprised by some of the statements that have been made, especially by the head of the parliamentary culture and media committee, who said that the questioning is personal," Maliki said.

Maliki stressed that he is "surprised by the fact that a pre-emptive endorsement was given to the head of the Iraqi State Media Network and that there are no files against the head of the network with the parliamentary culture committee.

In a press conference, Al-Maliki asserted, "The head of the Iraqi Media Network exhibited tyranny and failed to comply with the parliamentary interrogation order. The Iraqi Media Network should serve the entire Iraqi state, not favoring any particular party." He emphasized that the head of the Iraqi Media Network had deliberately withheld crucial information from both the public and official authorities."

He accused Jassim of "distorting facts," deeming such actions "shameful and unacceptable."

Jassim assumed his position in 2020 under the appointment of former Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi. Despite efforts by Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, the current Prime Minister, to change heads of independent bodies and general directors at the beginning of the previous year, Jassim retained his position.

Numerous concerns were raised against Nabil Jassim, leading to multiple attempts by the Board of Trustees of the Media Network to dismiss him. However, government decisions overturned the Board of Trustees resolutions, allowing Jassim to remain in his role. Several months ago, the Board of Trustees' members were dismissed from Parliament.