Shafaq News/ Iraq's federal commission of integrity on Monday said that a summon order had been issued against a current member of the Parliament for his failure to discharge one of his official duties.

The commission's investigations department said in a statement that a magistrate at al-Karkh's second investigation court issued a summon order against an incumbent member of the services and reconstruction parliamentary committee for requesting an unjustified withdrawal of a judicial investigation he launched earlier.

The order, the statement said, was issued in accordance with Article 331 of Iraqi Penal Code No.111 of 1969/amended.

Article 331 provides for imprisonment and fines as punishment for any public employee or service provider who deliberately violates his/her job duties or refuses to perform one of his/her duties with the intent of causing harm to an individual's interests or benefiting one person at the expense of another or at the expense of the state.

A source revealed that the unnamed lawmaker summoned by the commission is Adnan Al-Jahishi, a member of the parliament's services committee.