Shafaq News/ On Saturday, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, pledged to "smash" the new Emir of ISIS.

"The leaders, officers, heroes of our security forces, I salute you as you perform your national, humanitarian and moral duty to protect every inch of Iraq and every Iraqi citizen," Al-Kadhimi said during his supervision of Operation Solid Will.

"I say to ISIS: You have tested us in militarily and security fields, thank god, we are daily achieving victories…You have no choice but to die, and we will smash you."

"We have crushed your princes, and we will crush your new emir, and every terrorist belongs to your gangs."

Addressing the security forces in the Ministries of Defense and Interior, Counter-Terrorism Agency, the Popular Mobilization Forces, Al-Kadhimi said, "You are our protectors; you are the ones who protect the honor and land of the nation."

Earlier today, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces arrived in the western regions of Al-Anbar Governorate to supervise the "Solid Will" operation process.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency that Al-Kadhimi discussed with the Border Operations Command, Special Forces, and Rapid Response the plans and actions of the operation.

On Saturday, the Joint Operations Command launched the second stage of Operation "Solid Will" against ISIS in western Iraq.

The Security Media Cell said, "Under the supervision of the Joint Operations Command, the Solid Will Operation was launched this morning, with the participation of the commands of the Al-Anbar, Al-Jazeera, and Karbala operations, in addition to forces from the Border Guard Command and the Popular Mobilization.

"The army and the air force support this operation." The Cell added.

The Special Forces, the Counter-Terrorism Service, and the Rapid Response Division lead helicopter operations, including ambushes in the desert.

This operation is followed by others in Diyala, Samarra, Saladin, and the southern Kirkuk to "pursue ISIS terrorist elements and eliminate terrorism."

Last March, the joint security forces carried out a large-scale operation (Solid Will) in the governorates of Nineveh, Saladin, and Al-Anbar against ISIS remnants.

In 2017, Iraq declared final victory over ISIS after Iraqi forces drove its last remnants from the country; the militant group had captured about a third of Iraq's territory.

The war has had a devastating impact on the areas previously controlled by the militants. About 3.2 million people remain displaced.