Shafaq News/ On Friday, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the U.S. Embassy's attack in Baghdad, stressing that the Iraqi government will "pursue the perpetrators."

In a statement, the Ministry said, "We categorically condemn any action that destabilizes the security and stability of Iraq, in particular targeting the Green Zone in the capital, Baghdad, by missiles yesterday."

"We renew our commitment to providing security and protection for diplomatic missions with all guarantees to facilitate their work by international conventions, and we affirm the Iraqi government's actions to prosecute the perpetrators and punish them by the law." The statement added.

"The security and stability of Iraq is not an option, but the necessary path that reflects the presence of the state." The statement concluded.

On Thursday, the U.S. Army C-RAM intercepted two of three rockets launched towards the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency, "the rockets were launched from Karara area of Dora region, south of the Baghdad."

The U.S. air defense system intercepted two rockets while the third fell in the vicinity of the Embassy.

On Twitter, the Embassy said, "The U.S. Embassy compound was attacked this evening by terrorist groups attempting to undermine Iraq's security, sovereignty, and international relations. We have long said that these sorts of reprehensible attacks are an assault not just on diplomatic facilities but on the sovereignty of Iraq itself."

For her part, the UNICEF Representative in Iraq, Sheema SenGupta, said that a child and a woman were injured, and a school was damaged in the rocket attack.

"Children must be protected from attacks at all times. Schools and homes must be safe at all times." She added.

The leader of the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, said that targeting the U.S. Embassy by those who "pretend the resistance" aims to delay the American withdrawal from Iraq.

The head of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais al-Khazali, stressed that the timing of the attack is an attempt to "reshuffle the cards," confirming, "the resistance factions did not target the American Embassy."

Despite no claim of responsibility, Washington repeatedly accuses armed Iraqi factions linked to Iran of being behind the attacks on its sites in Iraq.