Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein emphasized the significance of ensuring food and energy security amid the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war during the ministerial meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Baku.

Minister Hussein reiterated Iraq's unwavering support for the principles and aspirations of the NAM, emphasizing the need for unity and consensus among member nations in light of the increasing divergence of interests and will in the global arena.

He stressed the importance of the NAM's "active and responsible role in addressing pressing global challenges, including climate change, epidemic outbreaks, food security, and energy security."

Minister Hussein also strongly condemned "racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia, as well as any incitement to hatred or disrespect toward religions and their symbols." urging the international community to stand in solidarity against such acts and take appropriate legal measures against those who promote hatred and racism.

Addressing the Palestinian issue, Minister Hussein denounced the recent "aggression by Israeli forces on the Jenin camp in the West Bank" and reaffirmed Iraq's steadfast support for the Palestinian people and their just cause, urging the conference attendees to take a resolute stance in favor of justice and the rights of the Palestinian population.

Minister Hussein expressed concern over the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and highlighted its significant impact on global food and energy markets. He noted that the war has severely affected food security, energy markets, and global trade, exacerbating the worldwide risk of famine. In response, he called for concerted efforts and collaborative measures to address the acute shortage and soaring prices of food supplies, particularly in conflict-affected regions like Ukraine.

The Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister urged all parties to prioritize diplomatic negotiations and dialogue as the path to sustainable and peaceful solutions for regional crises. He reiterated Iraq's commitment to maintaining stability in its regional and international environment, underscoring its efforts to foster consensus and promote peace and security.

Drawing upon Iraq's experience in countering terrorism and extremist groups, Minister Hussein emphasized the importance of international cooperation in finding practical solutions to security challenges. He called upon all countries to support Iraq in fulfilling its obligations to repatriate its citizens from the families of detained terrorists. He further stressed the significance of collaborative international endeavors in addressing this critical issue.