Shafaq News/ Iraq's mediation efforts between Syria and Turkiye have resulted in a planned meeting between officials from the two neighboring nations in Baghdad, a government source said on Wednesday.

"In the upcoming days, Baghdad will host a meeting between Syrian and Turkish officials to facilitate dialogue, as part of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani's initiative to reconcile the two countries and restore their relations," the source told Shafaq News Agency.

"Al-Sudani and his team have achieved positive results through undisclosed bilateral contacts and meetings, with both Damascus and Ankara showing significant acceptance of Baghdad's mediation," the source added.

Earlier on Wednesday, Prime Minister al-Sudani held a phone call with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to discuss bilateral relations.

A statement from Sudani's office said the call addressed security coordination to combat terrorism and other security challenges.

The leaders emphasized the importance of strengthening their partnership for mutual benefit and growth.

The leaders stressed the need for a unified "Arab, Islamic, and international stance" to end the suffering of the Palestinian people, the statement said.

Relations between Syria and Turkiye have been strained since the "Arab Spring" in 2010, which saw mass protests in Syria demanding regime change. Turkiye, under then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, supported the protests. In 2013, tensions escalated when Erdogan threatened Syrian President al-Assad on Twitter (now X), condemning the high civilian death toll and vowing retribution.

Since then, discord has intensified, peaking between 2016 and 2020 when the Turkish military launched four ground operations into Syria.

Several regional actors have attempted to resolve the discord between Damascus and Ankara, but all efforts had previously failed. However, the Iraqi government's recent initiatives appear to have succeeded in bringing the two parties to the negotiation table.