Shafaq News/ Iraq had hanged ten convicts, most of whom were sentenced to death on terrorism charges, a local security official said on Monday.

The executions were carried out on Monday at al-Hoot "The Whale" prison in the southern Iraqi city of al-Nasiriyah and all those executed were Iraqi nationals, said the security official. 

The official declined to be named for lacking the authorization to speak to the media.

The source said most of the inmates were convicted of joining the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group and taking part in "terrorist actions".

"A team from the Justice Ministry oversaw the execution proceedings," the source added.

In a report issued in May, Amnesty International raised concern that many more people may have been executed in secret given a "disturbing lack of transparency" regarding executions in Iraq in recent months.

Iraq has put hundreds of suspected jihadists on trial and carried out several mass executions since defeating ISIS fighters in a large military campaign in 2014-2017.