Shafaq News / Iraq’ Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi praised the Yazidis activists who survived ISIS in raising awareness worldwide about their issue.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated that Al-Kadhimi received today the Yazidi activist Nadia Murad, and praised the role of female Yazidis activists in informing the world of their situation especially when they fell under ISIS control.

He stressed the main role of the Yazidi citizens in reconstructing their “historical residential areas”, especially after their return to Iraq in large numbers.

The Iraqi government spares no effort to facilitate the Yezidis return; for now, our focused efforts to support reconstruction, operating water projects, building schools and securing medical services, for all destroyed areas.” Al-Kadhimi added

For her part, the Iraqi Yazidi activist, Nadia Murad, expressed her gratitude for the government's efforts to restoring normal life in Sinjar and its surroundings, stressing that reconstruction is the base of stability.