Shafaq News / The President of Iraq, Barham Salih stressed, on Thursday, to fulfill all the necessary requirements to holding the early elections. 

"These requirements include integrity and justice, including biometric registration, and effective coordination between the Elections Commission and the United Nations for monitoring and supervision," Saleh said during his approval of the Parliamentary Elections Law, according to a statement by his office.

He added, "Electoral corruption is threatens civil peace and economic integrity."

Saleh stressed "the need to comprise a new political generation to complete the reform project in the country that cost blood."

Hassan Al-Kaabi, First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, signed on Tuesday the amended version of the Iraqi election law and submitted it to the Presidency of the Republic for approval.

According to the new election law, the distribution of electoral districts will be as follows: 17 in Baghdad, 8 in Nineveh, 6 in Basra, 5 in Dhi Qar and Al-Sulaymaniyah, 4 in Babel, four in Al-Anbar, Erbil and Diyala each, and 3 in Kirkuk, Najaf, Saladin, Duhok, Al-Diwaniyah, Karbala, Wasit and Maysan each, as well as 2 in Al-Muthanna.

The article on electoral districts was the most controversial paragraph and took months to be agreed upon.

It is noteworthy that the upcoming elections will be held based on the new election law, on June 6.