Shafaq News / The defense minister of Iran offered Iraq’s Ministry of Interior assistance in ensuring security in the Arab country by providing equipment suitable for military and police operations.

In a meeting with Iraqi Interior Minister Othman al-Ghanimi, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani highlighted the Islamic Republic’s experience in the fight against terrorism.

Pointing to the Iranian Defense Ministry’s capability to design and manufacture all equipment and gear used by the military and police forces, Ashtiani said such products are highly suitable for the operations performed by the Interior Ministry of Iraq.

The defense minister noted that the Iranian military products can help ensure security across Iraq.

The general also noted that Iran’s policy towards Iraq is based on three principles, namely supporting the neighboring country’s unity and integrity, contributing to its stability and security, and cooperation in the development and prosperity of the Arab country.

Pointing to the delicate position of Iran and Iraq in the West Asia region, the defense minister warned that the West and the hegemony have employed terrorism as a tool to justify their presence in the region, create division among nations, and erode the capacities of the Islamic community.

“We believe that the countries in the region and West Asia should manage regional security, as achieving stability and peace will be impossible as long as extra-regional forces are present in this region,” Ashtiani stated.

The Iraqi interior minister, for his part, hailed Iran’s support for his country in the fight against terrorism.

Stressing the need for constant cooperation between Tehran and Baghdad in all fields, Ghanimi said such interaction would greatly help Iraq in various sectors, such as providing security and economic progress.

The Iranian military officials have on various occasions expressed readiness to strengthen Iraq’s defense power and supply its demands for military equipment.

(Tasnim News agency)