Shafaq News / The Independent Alliance called upon Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the Sadr movement, to adopt a clear and unequivocal position regarding the upcoming provincial council elections.

In a statement, the alliance noted the widespread reluctance of the silent majority to participate in the elections. This hesitance, the alliance emphasized, stemmed from political, societal, and economic reasons linked to the continuous failure of the political process, built upon a system of quota distribution and the absence of genuine opposition.

The statement highlighted concerns about certain political factions with extreme right-wing tendencies insisting on holding elections without ensuring adequate popular representation. The Alliance warned that such a move could lead to illegitimate and unacceptable outcomes, citing the recent parliamentary elections as evidence.

The statement called upon Muqtada al-Sadr, considering his significant societal, political, and religious influence, to adopt a clear and decisive stance on the rightful representation in the upcoming provincial council elections. They stressed that the results of these elections would not accurately represent the Iraqi national majority due to the silent majority's abstention from participating.

The statement further pointed out that the failure to declare such a clear stance in due time could be interpreted as implicit consent from the Sadr movement's leadership. This, the Alliance argued, might grant legitimacy to quota-based parties, allowing them to persist in their failures within the political process.

Emphasizing the need to confront the people with the complete truth, the alliance declared that silence could be seen as indirect acceptance of political and electoral outcomes that do not align with the nation's interests. They asserted that the silent majority's abstention hinted at a serious political crisis, attributing it to the failure of the current system based on quota distribution and the absence of a clear opposition bloc dedicated to uncovering hidden agendas and clarifying suspicious stances.

The statement rejected the current situation and calling for a radical change that achieves genuine popular representation, advocating for true democratic participation free from pressures and threats.