Shafaq News / A security source revealed that the defense system was being tested, and new devices have been installed at the US military base inside Baghdad International Airport.

This comes the day after a three-missiles attack targeted the base, wounding an Iraqi guard.

The source told Shafaq News agency, " training sessions have been launched, and the air defense system had been activated at the Victoria bade at Baghdad International Airport."

The source pointed out that new sirens were set up at the base. 

On Thursday evening, unidentified persons fired three missiles at the US base at Baghdad International Airport, one of which landed near the airstrip of the US forces, while the other two fell near the caravans of the central prison at the military airport, wounding an Iraqi guard.

A security source informed Shafaq News agency that the C-RAM system did not repel the attack.

However, the Iraqi security forces found a rocket launchpad in the vicinity of the Al-Jihad neighborhood to the east of the airport. The rockets were launched from the roof of a house abandoned only a few weeks ago.